ONE BIG DAY TO GIVE BACK! Please support me, help change lives...
This CAN GIVE DAY I am fundraising for the MasterCook Challenge!
For the third year in a row I am putting myself up against local cooking talents to raise money for a great cause on Wednesday 16 October.
You can donate and help support exceptional patient care for people in our community, which includes the surrounding region. I'll be directing any funds I raise towards the new Cancer Wellbeing Centre.
There are 3 ways to support me:
1. donate directly using the button below
2. come along to the Sunday Long Lunch 13th Oct
3. buy tickets to attend the Master cook competition on 16th Oct.
Sunday Long Lunch 13th October
Tuesday 10th Sep TICKETS NOW AVAILABLEIncredible Supporters
Bycath - Tickets Purchased So Far For Long Lunch
Deb Rolfe
Can’t wait to see what you incredible food produce this year!! 😍
Bycath Tickets
Bern And Dave
Good luck Cath!
Auction Food
Long Lunch Raffle Tickets Half
Mc Raffle Split
Alex Mathews
Bycath O'neill
Asif Zaidi
All the best Cathie!
Denise Lamb
You are amazing! Thank you for your generosity of heart and soul! Just a little amount to tip you over the 10k.
Best of luck tonight Cath.
Kath Wakefield
Go Cathie!
Juzmat Projects
David O'neill
Go Catho!
Go Cath. This is your year!
Penny Parrish