We recently caught up with Moruya’s Busy Bees, a group of exceptional women who have provided heartfelt supplies to those in hospital stays over the last few years. Their kindness has not only enhanced the comfort of patients but shown us that generosity takes many forms, and all contribute to giving patients moments of delight during challenging moments.
This group of coastal crafters started in 2020, with 6 newly retired women who were still getting over the challenging bushfire season that had just passed. Naturally, as the generous people that they are, they were looking for a way they could both help people in need and keep themselves busy through their shared passions.
When the 2020 pandemic lockdowns came, this gave them ample time to sew and knit from the comfort of their homes and figure out what was needed for those in hospital care.

“We gradually found our strengths. As some members are beautiful knitters, others are sewers and a couple are our much needed ‘packers and deliverers’ of the goods we make.” says Sue Hunt, one of the Busy Bees.
“While the interstate travel bans were in place, we met at my place on the Moruya river every second Wednesday for coffee, cake, show and tell, cutting out days, packing days. Many of us are now on ‘grandma’ duties and travel around, but we still meet at my place once a month. We have been very lucky that much of our fabric and wool has been donated to us.”
Over the 5 years that they have been helping others, they have donated over 5000 items to various charities like the Canberra Hospital Foundation, the Donation Station and the NICU unit at the Canberra Hospital, the Moruya Hospital Cancer care unit, Operation Christmas Child for children overseas, the Griffith Base hospital, the Batemans Bay Salvation Army, Creating for Charity and their local Aged Care residents, too.

The Busy Bees also regularly donate various helpful items to the Donation Station, including:
- Bed brighteners for the children’s ward, who might need a little colourful cheering up on their beds
- For the NICU unit, 100s of snuggle hearts made from flannelette. Each mum/family receives a pack of 3, and Mum wears one to leave her scent on one and then puts it under the baby so they can still smell her when she can’t be around
- Teddies, caps, beanies (including VERY tiny Santa hats for Christmas)
- Humidicrib covers
- Chemo port pillows
- Scrub caps for the staff
- Bereavement Bags
It is thanks to women like the Busy Bees that patients can seek the simple comforts of home while in hospital. There is no doubt that they have touched hearts over the years with their crafty creations.
At CHF, we extend our deepest gratitude for everything they provide.
Thinking about donating in-kind gifts to our Donation Station? You can schedule a time for your donation drop-off by contacting us: