Your support will have an immense impact on the cancer journey of patients & their loved ones...

Help build the Cancer Wellbeing Space and make a difference today

Living with cancer and its associated side effects can impact on patients wellbeing as well as the lives of families and carers. Canberra Hospital Foundation is raising funds to support the build of a Cancer Wellbeing Space. 

The Cancer Wellbeing Space will support people affected by cancer and their family and friends. It will provide complementary therapies, support and education. In partnership with existing clinical care, these new services will help relieve stress, reduce pain and anxiety, and help manage the side effects of cancer treatment.

A dedicated Cancer Wellbeing Space integrated into the Canberra Region Cancer Centre.


The Cancer Wellbeing Space will provide a range of complementary services aimed at improving patients’ overall health & wellbeing, integrated with their conventional cancer care.


The Cancer Wellbeing Space will help to enhance treatment, complementary therapies and emotional support for patients and their loved ones in one integrated facility. 

The vision of the Cancer Wellbeing Space is one of a dedicated and nurturing sanctuary for cancer patients undergoing active treatments, also supporting their families.

One in two Australian men and women will be diagnosed with cancer before the age of 85.

Apart from establishing the physical Cancer Wellbeing Space, it will be critical to develop an integrated, evidence-based Cancer Wellbeing Education and Support program that includes educational resources (online, print, face-to-face education) and access to supportive care services for cancer patients, their carer, and families accessing Canberra Region Cancer Centre (CRCC). 

Together with a consumer reference group a wonderful design concept has evolved taking the best from other centres around Australia and bringing it to life to meet the unique needs of patients in Canberra.

It will be a welcoming and comfortable space for patients and carers to relax, rest and create opportunities to meet other cancer patients and their carers, providing a much-needed respite away from the busy clinical areas and treatments. 

Be there for local patients affected by cancer - together lets make our Cancer Wellbeing Space a reality


The Cancer Wellbeing Space will provide much-needed respite away
from the busy clinical areas and treatments.


The Cancer Wellbeing Space has been meticulously designed to offer
patients and their families a place to relax
and rest.


The Cancer Wellbeing Space will be a welcoming and comfortable space for patients and carers to relax, rest and create opportunities to meet other cancer patients and their carers, as well as community service providers.

The Cancer Wellbeing Space is for our community

If you have ever wanted to make a difference in your community do so and give with your heart and support the Canberra Hospital Foundation to make the vision of the Cancer Wellbeing Space become a reality. 
Get involved today and help have an important impact on the journey of cancer patients and their loved ones. 

Your support will have an immense and real impact on the cancer journey of local patients and their families and change it much for the better.
Find out how else you can support our fight against cancer. Help us fund vital cancer research.